Ghazali's Education System; Foundations, Principles, Pillars and Structure

Document Type : Scholarly Article


1 PhD student in Curriculum planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.



Due to the importance of the "type of orientation of the educational system" and the "components used in the design of its educational models" in terms of compliance with authentic religious criteria and the fulfillment of the goals of this intellectual system, the present research is based on the above-mentioned goal and using the "analytical-interpretative" method, has collected and presented Mohammad Ghazali's educational system as a purely religious system. The findings indicate that in the section of educational foundations, emphasis on the inherent and divine dignity as well as the spiritual and soul dimension of human existence, God's centrality and activeness in the world, the existence of two dimensions of matter and heaven in the universe, Focus on the conditions that create the behavior rather than the behavior itself, opposition to the eradication of instincts from human existence, and also the explanation of the possibility and method of acquiring knowledge, the ultimate goal of ethical conduct, the manner of moral judgment and motivation, methods of acquiring moral virtues, the role of reason and will in shaping human behavior, and the criterion and goal of moderation of powers based on religious injunctions, constitute Ghazali's most important beliefs in this field. In the field of educational principles, Ghazali's explanatory principles have a five-faceted structure, which includes "the possibility of education", "the bases of education", "the requirements and necessities of education", "the preparations during education" and "the content and substance of education". These principles explain his beliefs in this field through eighteen educational principles. Ghazali also bases his educational system on three pillars: soul, ethics and knowledge. Based on these pillars, he organizes the relationships between teachers, students, and parents, curriculum, stages of education, and methods of education.


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