School in the Evolutionary Level of the Education System: In Search of the Ideal Model

Document Type : Scholarly Article


Assistant Professor of the Department of Educational Administration, Farhangian University, PO Box 889-14665 ,Tehran, Iran.



The aim of this research was to identify the factors and indicators of the ideal school model (in the Evolutionary level) based on the transformation documents (Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) in the Islamic Republic of Iran and and National Curriculum Document) in the primary education period. The method of conducting the research from the point of view of data collection was qualitative, in order to extract the ideal school factors, the basic school factors were identified using the content analysis method. Reliability of codings with decoding method was evaluated by the researcher (with the agreement coefficient of 0.94) and the second reviewer (with the agreement coefficient of 0.85). By using the textual analysis method, the reports related to the indicators of each of the factors were identified and deduced based on the national curriculum document, the curriculum subsystem of the fundamental transformation document and other relevant national documents. After the indicators, the obtained model was validated by the focus group method through stakeholders. Finally, five dimensions of the training program (with five factors), environmental training (including physical space and equipment with three factors and atmosphere and culture with five factors), leadership and management of training (with nine factors), family (with two factors), local society and other environmental factors (with two factors), teachers and assistants (with seven factors), students and student organizations (with two factors), evaluation dimension (with three factors), results (with eleven factors in three categories of individual, family, social, and organizational). Finally, based on the obtained model, a clear picture of the school is presented for policy makers, planners, managers and other relevant and interested people.


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