Investigating the Degree of Conformity between the Intended and Implemented Curriculum of Islamic Education Courses in the Field of Educational Sciences at Farhangian University

Document Type : Scholarly Article


1 Assistant Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran .

2 PhD student in Philosophy of Education, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


The aim of the present study was to investigate the degree of compliance between the intended and implemented curriculum of Islamic education courses in the field of educational sciences at Farhangian University from the perspective of professors and student teachers. The research method was based on an applied objective and based on the data collection method, a descriptive survey type and the statistical population included all professors of Islamic education courses and student teachers entering 2019 and 2020 in the field of educational sciences at Shahid Beheshti Eqlid Farhangian University. In the professors' section, census sampling method was used and all professors (12 people) were selected for the sample. In the student teachers' section, 200 people were selected for the research sample from 425 student teachers studying in Islamic education courses by simple random method. The status of the implemented curriculum was examined using a researcher-made questionnaire and a form for observing the behavior of instructors. The collected data were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistical indicators. The results of the data analysis showed that, overall, the degree of correspondence between the components of the objectives, content, teaching methods, and evaluation method of the intended curriculum of Islamic education courses with the implemented curriculum from the perspective of professors and student teachers was below average. From the perspective of professors and students, the evaluation component in the course of documents, laws, and the organization of education in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the component of objectives in the course of the social role of the teacher from the perspective of Islam showed an average above average. Also, in the course of the philosophy of formal and general education in the Islamic Republic of Iran, from the perspective of professors, only the content component showed an average above average. Considering the results obtained, Farhangian University can achieve the goals outlined in education courses by developing a more coherent intended curriculum and holding effective training courses for professors.


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