Analysis of the Lifestyle of Exemplary Women of the Islamic Revolution: A Case Study of the Wives of Martyrs Who Defended Holy Shrines

Document Type : Scholarly Article


1 M.A in Muslim Social Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Retired assistant professor of Department of Women's Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


In this study, an analysis was conducted on the lifestyle of a group of women who hold an esteemed and elevated position in Iranian public opinion, with the aim of identifying the individual and social characteristics of women who exemplify the ideals of the Islamic Revolution. This research employed a descriptive content analysis methodology with an inductive approach. The sampling method was purposive, utilizing the snowball technique. In this regard, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 24 wives of martyrs who defended holy Shrines. The coding process was implemented at three levels to identify concepts, subcategories, and main categories. The findings revealed several key aspects in the lifestyle of women who exemplify the Islamic Revolution, including modesty in dress and social relations, faithful and uncomplicated marriages, trust in God and practical belief in the afterlife with detachment from material pursuits, affinity for the culture of martyrdom and martyrdom-oriented living, loving and honest relationships with spouses, enthusiasm for cultural and social engagement, and adaptability and patience. These categories were subsequently classified under two main themes: “Religious Commitment” and “Social and Economic Tolerance.” Indeed, the lifestyle of the wives of martyrs who defended holy Shrines exhibited two significant characteristics: in matters pertaining to their personal and religious domain, they demonstrated strict adherence and high religious sensitivity; whereas in aspects related to social dimensions of life, interaction with the surrounding world, and material benefits, they showed flexibility, high adaptability, and detachment. This distinctive combination has differentiated this segment of Iranian women from others in society. It is hoped that by promoting the lifestyle of these exemplary women, steps can be taken toward the development and enhancement of Iranian women’s lifestyle in general.


Main Subjects

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