Explaining the process of forming the concept of talent based on lexical network analysis in the Qur'an

Document Type : Scholarly Article


1 PhD in Counseling, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty member of Quran and Atrat School, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor of Counseling, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


One of the most important issues in the success and development of the individual and society is the discussion of talent and its recognition. There are many definitions of talent in psychology, each of which deals with different aspects, such as intrinsic or acquired. But so far no comprehensive definition has been provided, and there is much ambiguity. Since the complete aristocracy defining the subject has a special effect on the finality of the definition, this study seeks to identify and discuss the components in the definition of talent from the perspective of the Qur'an by the method of Qur'anic semantics. For this purpose, each word of the Qur'an has been studied through total induction, a semantic network of words related to the concept of talent has been formed. Then, by lexical study and semantic analysis of these words, paying attention to their Quranic usage and extracting verses containing these words, the semantic components of the concept of talent in the Holy Quran were discovered. These components are arranged in a logical order next to each other according to the context of the verses and the position of the words in them, and provide a comprehensive and different definition of the existing definitions. Among the characteristics of this definition, we can point to a holistic view of man, multi-component and process-oriented, orientation and alignment with God, the possessor of grace and social nature, and the responsibility of talent.


Main Subjects

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