Comparative study of the criteria of wisdom in the narrations of Ahl al-Bayt (as) with the achievements of psychology

Document Type : Scholarly Article


1 PhD student in Psychology, Azad University.

2 Associate Professor of Educational Psychology of Islamic Azad University

3 Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of the present study is to investigate the criteria of wisdom in the narrations of the ahl al-Bayt (as) and the method of qualitative research with the approach of customary content analysis. The statistical population of the study includes all the narrations of the four books and the sources of Bihar al-Anwar. For sampling, we have used purposeful method and for data analysis, we have used description, comparison, categorization and conceptualization. Findings show that the components of wisdom from the point of view of ahl al-Bayt (as) - a set of intra-individual characteristics (seven theoretical codes and 47 basic codes), interpersonal (six theoretical codes and 35 basic codes), in relation to this world and the other world (two Theoretical code and four basic codes) and related to the deity (four theoretical codes and seventeen basic codes). The multiplicity of intra-individual and interpersonal theoretical codes indicates the importance of morality and human relations from the point of view of the ahl al-Bayt (as). In addition to the mentioned sources, thirty specialized articles and books related to micro-topics in the field of psychology (authored from 1990 to 2020) have been reviewed and coded openly, centrally and selectively. Findings show that the components of wisdom from the perspective of psychologists are a set of intrinsic characteristics (three theoretical codes and nine basic codes), interpersonal (four theoretical codes and 35 basic codes) and in relation to society (three theoretical codes). And four basic codes). Finally, we compare these two perspectives and conclude that there is a general and specific relationship between the criteria of wisdom in the two perspectives, and these two criteria have similarities and differences. In both of them, values ​​are considered; However, they differ in the origin and basis of their values ​​and examples.


Main Subjects

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