A Pattern for Overcoming Weakness on the verses of the Holy Quran: gradual, continuous and increasing path

Document Type : Scholarly Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies and Educational Science, Imam Sadiq University Tehran-Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of present research is designing a pattern to overcome weakness as a strategy to solution for one of the main problems of human societies. The article discusses the issue concerning the content analysis method and the use of library-based study and content analysis. We collect data from a set of Quranic verses with the content of weakness. The reliability and validity of data are determined by two sets of coders. The findings reveal a concept- extension pattern with six factors of overcoming weakness. The factors are as following: to compare and assess the occasions, to adjust expectations, to find meaning out of challenges, to have faith and depend on constant causes, and to be aware of coming of death and paying attention to the benefit of the hereafter. These factors are beneficially defined as ways of resisting weakness. Holy Quran introduces Rebbīyūn  as a group neither faltered nor weakened despite what afflicted them in the way of Allah. The main features of this group are faith, hope, and trust. Therefore, the proposed strategy for overcoming weakness, and effort and struggle in various areas of life, in addition to paying attention to the factors of coping with weakness in educational and training environments, activating observational learning in educators to benefit from Rebbīyūn example model and practice To it in a gradual, continuous and transcendent way.


Main Subjects

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